Related LncRNAs
ID lncRNA Name Disease Method Sample Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
EL0251 BX647187 prostate cancer qPCR, Western bolt, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, PC3, Du145) differential expression interaction Our results showed that Hec1 mRNA and protein were significantly overexpressed in Human PCa tissues and several PCa cell lines. Silencing Hec1 markedly suppressed proliferation, promoted apoptosis and induced cell-cycle arrest in G2/M-phase in PCa cells. Through bioinformatics analysis and knockdown Hec1 in PCa cells, we found LncRNA BX647187 was positively regulated by Hec1. We further demonstrated that suppression of BX647187 in PCa cells significantly reduced cell proliferation and promoted apoptosis. 26612002 Lnc2Cancer
EL0257 PCOTH prostate cancer qPCR, Northern blot etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, DU145, PC-3CaP etc.) up-regulated expression PCOTH, a novel gene overexpressed in prostate cancers, promotes prostate cancer cell growth through phosphorylation of oncoprotein TAF-Ibeta/SET. 15930275 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0274 CBR3-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Oncogene; putative therapeutic target 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL0274 CBR3-AS1 prostate cancer qPCR, Western blot etc. cell line (LNCaP, PC-3, C4-2 etc.) up-regulated Interaction The prostate cancer-up-regulated long noncoding RNA PlncRNA-1 (CBR3-AS1) modulates apoptosis and proliferation through reciprocal regulation of androgen receptor. 22264502 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Disruptions to the expression of ANRIL have accordingly been associated with the development of several cancer types, including neuroblastoma , acute lymphocytic leukaemia, melanoma and prostate 22817756 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Gene silencing of INK4b-ARF-INK4a and p15/CDKN2B by recruitment of PRC1 and PRC2. 22996375 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression ANRIL, also upregulated in prostate cancer, is required for the repression of the tumor suppressors INK4a/p16 and INK4b/p15. 23463798 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Recent studies have linked their mis-expression to diverse cancers (ANRIL: prostate cancer, XIST: female cancers, HOTAIR: breast cancer, KCNQ1OT1: colorectal cancer). 23660942 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation ANRIL is an antisense lncRNA elevated in PCa that overlaps this locus, interacting directly with polycomb repressive complex 1 and histone H3K27 methylation to repress CDKN2A-CDKN2B expression 24146262 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A N/A Long ncRNA antisense non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus (ANRIL) has been associated to hereditary cutaneous malignant melanoma, prostate cancer and tumors of the neural system (Pasmant et al., 2011). 24624135 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression ANRIL is upregulated in prostate cancer and is required for the repression of the tumor suppressors INK4a/p16 and INK4b/p15 (Yap et al., 2010; Kotake et al., 2011). 24721780 LncRNADisease
EL0289 CDKN2B-AS1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. cell lines (PC3, MEFs, IMR90 etc.) up-regulated Interaction Here we report that chromobox 7 (CBX7) within the polycomb repressive complex 1 binds to ANRIL, and both CBX7 and ANRIL are found at elevated levels in prostate cancer tissues. 20541999 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0309 AC021078.1 prostate cancer integrating analysis of sequence features and gene expression profiles prostate cancer N/A N/A The tumour-suppressive function of two lncRNAs (TUG1 and CTB-89H12.4) and their regulation of PTEN expression in prostate cancer. 26975529
EL0310 CTBP1-AS prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Oncogene 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL0310 CTBP1-AS prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation The prostate cancer-associated ncRNA transcript 1 lncRNA PCAT1, SchlAP1 (second chromosome locus associated with prostate-1), and CTBP1-AS indicate cancer cell invasiveness and metastasis in prostate cancer progression. 24531795 LncRNADisease
EL0310 CTBP1-AS prostate cancer qPCR, Western bolt, Northern bolt, RIP etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (VCaP, LNCaP, DU145, RWPE etc.) up-regulated N/A CTBP1-AS is predominantly localized in the nucleus and its expression is generally upregulated in prostate cancer. CTBP1-AS promotes both hormone-dependent and castration-resistant tumour growth. Mechanistically, CTBP1-AS directly represses CTBP1 expression by recruiting the RNA-binding transcriptional repressor PSF together with histone deacetylases. CTBP1-AS also exhibits global androgen-dependent functions by inhibiting tumour-suppressor genes via the PSF-dependent mechanism thus promoting cell cycle progression. 23644382 Lnc2Cancer
EL0329 DANCR prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0356 DRAIC prostate cancer qPCR, Western blot etc. cell lines (VCap, PC3M-luc, LNCaP etc.) down-regulated N/A The lncRNA DRAIC/PCAT29 Locus Constitutes a Tumor-Suppressive Nexus. Prostate cancers persisting in patients after androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) select for decreased DRAIC expression, and higher levels of DRAIC in prostate cancer are associated with longer disease-free survival (DFS). DRAIC expression predicts good prognosis in a wide range of malignancies, including bladder cancer, low-grade gliomas, lung adenocarcinoma, stomach adenocarcinoma, renal clear cell carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, skin melanoma, and stomach adenocarcinoma. 25700553 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0366 EGOT prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) down-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0510 FR0257520 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue down-regulated N/A Consistent with the RNA-seq results, PCA3, FR0348383 and MALAT1 overexpression was found in 80% (32/40), 72.5% (29/40), and 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers respectively, whereas decreased FR0257520 expression was found in 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers. 22349460 Lnc2Cancer
EL0511 FR0348383 prostate cancer qRT-PCR Post-digital rectal examination (DRE) first-catch urine specimens prior to prostate biopsies up-regulated expression FR0348383 transcript in post-DRE urine may be a novel biomarker for detection of PCa with great diagnostic value, especially in the grey zone cohort. 25597901
EL0511 FR0348383 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated N/A Consistent with the RNA-seq results, PCA3, FR0348383 and MALAT1 overexpression was found in 80% (32/40), 72.5% (29/40), and 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers respectively, whereas decreased FR0257520 expression was found in 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers. 22349460 Lnc2Cancer
EL0526 GAS5 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0526 GAS5 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Tumour suppressor; putative oncogene host 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL0526 GAS5 prostate cancer qPCR etc. cell lines (HEK 293T, LNCaP, W7.2c etc.) down-regulated mutation Chromosomal translocations affecting the 1q25 locus containing the Gas5 gene have been detected in melanoma, B-cell lymphoma, and prostate and breast cancer. 18836484 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0526 GAS5 prostate cancer qPCR, knockdown etc. cell lines (22Rv1, PC-3 etc.) up-regulated N/A GAS5 promotes the apoptosis of prostate 34 cells, and exonic sequence, i.e. GAS5 lncRNA, is sufficient to mediate this activity. Abnormally low levels of 35 GAS5 expressionmay therefore reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents. 23676682 Lnc2Cancer
EL0526 GAS5 prostate cancer siRNA prostate cancer cells up-regulated expression mTOR inhibition enhances GAS5 transcript levels in certain prostate cancer cell lines. This selectivity is likely to be related to endogenous GAS5 expression levels. 25650269
EL0556 H19 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Putative susceptibility and diagnostic marker 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL0556 H19 prostate cancer qPCR etc. cell lines ((Du-145, PC-3) down-regulated N/A Comparing with respective normal cell line, H19 was found highly expressed in stomach cancer cell lines (AGS, MGC-803 and SGC-7901) and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines (SMMC-7721 and HepG2), while lowly expressed in lung cancer cell line (A549) and prostate cancer cell lines (Du-145 and PC-3). 24063685 Lnc2Cancer
EL0556 H19 prostate cancer qPCR, Western blot etc. cell lines (P69, M12) down-regulated N/A In this study, we found that long non-coding RNA H19 (H19) and H19-derived microRNA-675 (miR-675) were significantly downregulated in the metastatic prostate cancer cell line M12 compared with the non-metastatic prostate epithelial cell line P69. Upregulation of H19 in P69 and PC3 cells significantly increased the level of miR-675 and repressed cell migration; however, ectopic expression of H19 in M12 cells could not increase the level of miR-675 and therefore had no effect on cell migration. 24988946 Lnc2Cancer
EL0578 HOTAIR prostate cancer microarray, qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, PC3, DU145, RWPE-1 etc.) up-regulated N/A LncRNA profiling showed that HOTAIR was highly regulated by genistein and its expression was higher in castration-resistant PCa cell lines than in normal prostate cells. Knockdown (siRNA) of HOTAIR decreased PCa cell proliferation, migration and invasion and induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. miR-34a was also up-regulated by genistein and may directly target HOTAIR in both PC3 and DU145 PCa cells. Our results indicated that genistein inhibited PCa cell growth through down-regulation of oncogenic HOTAIR that is also targeted by tumor suppressor miR-34a. These findings enhance understanding of how genistein regulates lncRNA HOTAIR and miR-34a in PCa. 23936419 Lnc2Cancer
EL0578 HOTAIR prostate cancer qPCR, RNA Pull-Down Assay, RIP, ChIP etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated interaction Here, we report HOTAIR as an androgen-repressed lncRNA, and, as such, it is markedly upregulated following androgen deprivation therapies and in CRPC. Functionally, HOTAIR overexpression increases, whereas HOTAIR knockdown decreases, prostate cancer cell growth and invasion. Taken together, our results provide compelling evidence of lncRNAs as drivers of androgen-independent AR activity and CRPC progression, and they support the potential of lncRNAs as therapeutic targets. 26411689 Lnc2Cancer
EL0582 HOTTIP prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) down-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0582 HOTTIP prostate cancer sciliencing or knockdown of HOTTIP prostate cancer tumorigenesis down-regulated N/A down-regulation of HOTTIP and HOXA13 was associated with cell growth and cell cycle. 27064878
EL0600 HULC prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0608 IGF2-AS prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A mutation Association identified by GWAS. 19767753 LncRNADisease
EL0628 KCNQ1OT1 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0673 LINC00963 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown, Western blot etc. cell lines (LNCaP ,C4-3) up-regulated regulation Linc00963: a novel, long non-coding RNA involved in the transition of prostate cancer from androgen-dependence to androgen-independence. 24691949 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0704 LINC01564 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. urine, cell lines (PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated expression We identified a group of differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs in prostate cancer cell lines and patient samples and further characterized six long noncoding RNAs (AK024556, XLOC_007697, LOC100287482, XLOC_005327, XLOC_008559, and XLOC_009911) in prostatic adenocarcinoma tissue samples and compared them with matched normal tissues. Interestingly, these markers were also successfully detetced in patient urine samples and were found to be up-regulated when compared with normal urine. 25513185 Lnc2Cancer
EL0777 lnc-MX1-1 prostate cancer real-time quantitative PCR, knockdown prostate cancer cells up-regulated expression There was a significant association between over-expression of lnc-MX1-1 and patients' clinical features such as PSA, Gleason score, metastasis, and recurrence free survival. knockdown of lnc-MX1-1 reduced both proliferation and invasiveness of LNCaP and 22Rv1 cells. 26797523
EL0814 LOC100287482 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. urine, cell lines (PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated expression We identified a group of differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs in prostate cancer cell lines and patient samples and further characterized six long noncoding RNAs (AK024556, XLOC_007697, LOC100287482, XLOC_005327, XLOC_008559, and XLOC_009911) in prostatic adenocarcinoma tissue samples and compared them with matched normal tissues. Interestingly, these markers were also successfully detetced in patient urine samples and were found to be up-regulated when compared with normal urine. 25513185 Lnc2Cancer
EL0830 LOC400891 prostate cancer lncRNAs expression chips screening, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) prostate cancer (Pca) tissues and cell lines up-regulated expression Knockdown of LOC400891 could inhibit cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in vitro study. 26797783
EL0853 MALAT1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Sequesters SR splicing factors to regulate alternative splicing. 22996375 LncRNADisease
EL0853 MALAT1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Putative marker 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL0853 MALAT1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (22RV1, LNCAP-AI etc.) up-regulated N/A MALAT-1 was up-regulated in human prostate cancer tissues and cell lines. Higher MALAT-1 expression correlated with high Gleason score, prostate specific antigen, tumor stage and castration resistant prostate cancer. MALAT-1 down-regulation by siRNA inhibited prostate cancer cell growth, invasion and migration, and induced castration resistant prostate cancer cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phases. 23845456 Lnc2Cancer
EL0853 MALAT1 prostate cancer qPCR, Northern bolt etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCap-AD, 22Rv1, PC-3, DU145, C4-2 etc.) up-regulated N/A qPCR was used to assess the PCA3 and MALAT-1 expression levels in an additional set of 10 pairs of PCa and adjacent normal tissues. Comparing the PCA3 and MALAT-1 expression levels in the 10 paired tissue samples revealed that PCA3 and MALAT-1 were highly expressed in most of the PCa tissues. Plasma lncRNAs probably exist in the form of fragments in a stable form. MD-miniRNA enters cell culture medium at measurable levels, and MD-miniRNA derived from human PCa xenografts actually enters the circulation in vivo and can be measured to distinguish xenografted mice from controls. 23726266 Lnc2Cancer
EL0853 MALAT1 prostate cancer qPCR, RIP-Seq, knockdown, ChIP etc. cell lines (C4-2, PC-3, LNCaP) up-regulated interaction We showed that MALAT1 enhances expression of PRC2-independent target genes of EZH2 in CRPC cells in culture and patient-derived xenografts. Together, these data indicate that MALAT1 may be a crucial RNA cofactor of EZH2 and that the EZH2-MALAT1 association may provide a new avenue for development new strategies for treatment of CRPC. 26516927 Lnc2Cancer
EL0853 MALAT1 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated N/A Consistent with the RNA-seq results, PCA3, FR0348383 and MALAT1 overexpression was found in 80% (32/40), 72.5% (29/40), and 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers respectively, whereas decreased FR0257520 expression was found in 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers. 22349460 Lnc2Cancer
EL0861 MEG3 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) down-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0861 MEG3 prostate cancer qPCR, ISH etc. prostate cancer tissue down-regulated N/A MEG3 mRNA is expressed in the normal human fibroblast cells but is undetectable in human cancer cell lines by Northern blot. Lanes 110, Human carcinoma cells HeLa, MCF-7, T47-D, T24, 5637, Du145, K562, HT29, H1299, H4; lanes 11 and 12, human normal fibroblasts HS-27 and WI38. 14602737 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL0861 MEG3 prostate cancer qPCR, Western blot, knockdown, Flow cytometry assay etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (PC3, Du145) down-regulated interaction MEG3 decreased significantly in prostate cancer tissues relative to adjacent normal tissues. MEG3 inhibited intrinsic cell survival pathway in vitro and in vivo by reducing the protein expression of Bcl-2, enhancing Bax and activating caspase 3. We further demonstrated that MEG3 inhibited the expression of cell cycle regulatory protein Cyclin D1 and induced cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase. 26610246 Lnc2Cancer
EL0973 NEAT1 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL0973 NEAT1 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qPCR, ChIP etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LnCaP, PC3) up-regulated expression Among putatively ERa-regulated intergenic long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), we identified nuclear enriched abundant transcript 1 (NEAT1) as the most significantly overexpressed lncRNA in prostate cancer. Prostate cancer cells expressing high levels of NEAT1 were recalcitrant to androgen or AR antagonists. NEAT1 drives oncogenic growth by altering the epigenetic landscape of target gene promoters to favour transcription. 25415230 Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Measurement of lncRNA PCA3 in patient urine samples has been shown to allow more sensitive and specific diagnosis of prostate cancer than the widely used marker prostate-specific antigen (PSA). 15245811 LncRNADisease
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression The PCA3 assay is insensitive to pre-analytical factors, performs well analytically and correctly classifies a high percent of subjects with known prostate cancer status across research sites. 18054202 LncRNADisease
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression The probability of a positive repeat biopsy increases with rising PCA3 scores. The PCA3 score was superior to %fPSA for predicting repeat prostate biopsy outcome and may be indicative of clinical stage and significance of pCa. 18602209 LncRNADisease
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Patients with a positive biopsy showed significantly higher PCA3 values. 20424427 LncRNADisease
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression PCA3 scores were significantly lower in low-volume disease and insignificant PCa. Higher PCA3 scores were associated with aggressive disease. 20980098 LncRNADisease
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Diagnostic marker 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A N/A PCGEM1, PCA3 (prostate cancer antigen 3, known also as DD3, differential display code 3) and PCNCR1 (prostate cancer ncRNA 2) are involved in prostate cancer, while HULC (highly up-regulated in liver cancer) is involved with liver cancer. 24667321 LncRNADisease
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer Northern blot etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression PCA3 is a highly prostate cancer-specific gene. 14607216 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer PROGENSA PCA3 assay etc. blood, urine up-regulated expression A PCA3 score threshold of 20 may have the highest utility for selecting men with clinically insignificant prostate cancer in whom active surveillance may be appropriate; a PCA3 score threshold of 50 may be used to identify men at high risk of harbouring significant prostate cancer who are candidates for RP. 21883822 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression Upregulation of two new PCA3 isoforms in PCa tissues improves discrimination between PCa and BPH. 19319183 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression PCA3 mRNA is prostate cancer specific and shows increased expression in prostate cancer. 20114043 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression It was found that the levels of the mRNA expression of DD3(PCA3) were significantly higher (p<0.045) in patients with PCa than in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. 20332487 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer qPCR etc. blood differential expression mutation The presence of the (TAAA)n short tandem repeat polymorphisms in the PCA3 promoter region may be a risk factor for prostate cancer in the Chinese population. 21655300 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer qPCR, in vitro knockdown etc. cell lines (LNCaP, PC3, RWPE-1, PrEC etc.) up-regulated N/A PCA3 is a non-coding RNA (ncRNA) that is highly expressed in prostate cancer (PCa) cells, LNCaP siPCA3-transfected cells significantly inhibited cell growth and viability, and increased the proportion of cells in the sub G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and the percentage of pyknotic nuclei, compared to those transfected with scramble siRNA (siSCr)-transfected cells. Our findings suggest that the ncRNA PCA3 is involved in the control of PCa cell survival, in part through modulating AR signaling, which may raise new possibilities of using PCA3 knockdown as an additional therapeutic strategy for PCa control. 23130941 Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer qPCR, Northern blot etc. BPH, prostatic tumor tissue up-regulated expression PCA3 is one of the most prostate cancer-specific genes yet described, and this makes DD3 a promising marker for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer and provides a powerful tool for the development of new treatment strategies for prostate cancer patients. 10606244 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer qPCR, Northern bolt etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCap-AD, 22Rv1, PC-3, DU145, C4-2 etc.) up-regulated N/A qPCR was used to assess the PCA3 and MALAT-1 expression levels in an additional set of 10 pairs of PCa and adjacent normal tissues. Comparing the PCA3 and MALAT-1 expression levels in the 10 paired tissue samples revealed that PCA3 and MALAT-1 were highly expressed in most of the PCa tissues. Plasma lncRNAs probably exist in the form of fragments in a stable form. MD-miniRNA enters cell culture medium at measurable levels, and MD-miniRNA derived from human PCa xenografts actually enters the circulation in vivo and can be measured to distinguish xenografted mice from controls. 23726266 Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated N/A Consistent with the RNA-seq results, PCA3, FR0348383 and MALAT1 overexpression was found in 80% (32/40), 72.5% (29/40), and 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers respectively, whereas decreased FR0257520 expression was found in 82.5% (33/40) of the prostate cancers. 22349460 Lnc2Cancer
EL1051 PCA3 prostate cancer Sequencing etc. prostate cancer tissue, blood(leukocytes) up-regulated N/A By PCR-based cloning and sequencing in paired peripheral blood leukocytes and prostate tissues,5 PCA3 TAAA STR polymorphisms and 8 genotypes were found in both peripheral blood leukocytes and prostate tissues, the carriers with more TAAA repeats were associated with increased risk for PCa than individuals having less TAAA repeats 25445501 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1052 PCAT1 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, Western blot, knockdown, Luciferase reporter assay etc. prostate tissue, cell lines (Du145-derived, RWPE-derived, LNCAP-derived, PC3-derived etc.) up-regulated regulation PCAT1, a long noncoding RNA, regulates BRCA2 and controls homologous recombination in cancer. 24473064 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1052 PCAT1 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1052 PCAT1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation They described PCAT1,a novel PCa lincRNA on 8q24, in the locality of well-characterized PCa risk-related SNPs and the c-MYC oncogene. 24146262 LncRNADisease
EL1052 PCAT1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Putative marker and oncogene 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL1052 PCAT1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation The prostate cancer-associated ncRNA transcript 1 lncRNA PCAT1, SchlAP1 (second chromosome locus associated with prostate-1), and CTBP1-AS indicate cancer cell invasiveness and metastasis in prostate cancer progression. 24531795 LncRNADisease
EL1052 PCAT1 prostate cancer qPCR, Luciferase reporter assay, knockdown etc. cell lines (LNCaP) up-regulated regulation We show that PCAT-1 promotes prostate cell proliferation and that this phenotype is mediated through up-regulation of the cMyc protein (encoded by the MYC gene). Antagonism of cMyc is able to reverse PCAT-1mediated cell proliferation. We show that PCAT-1 regulates cMyc post-transcriptionally through the MYC 3' untranslated region (UTR). Further, we find a protetcive effetc of PCAT-1 on cMyc by interfering with the regulation of MYC by miR-34a. 25425964 Lnc2Cancer
EL1052 PCAT1 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qPCR, Western blot etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (VCaP, LNCaP) up-regulated expression PCAT1 is markedly overexpressed in a subset of prostate cancers, particularly metastases, and may contribute to cell proliferation in these tumors. 21804560 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1053 PCAT18 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. cell lines (LTL313B, LTL313H etc.) up-regulated expression The most highly up-regulated transcript was LOC728606, a lncRNA now designated PCAT18. PCAT18 is specifically expressed in the prostate compared to 11 other normal tissues (p<0.05) and up-regulated in PCa compared to 15 other neoplasms (p<0.001). 24519926 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1054 PCAT29 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR etc. cell lines (Glutamax(Invitrogen), LNCaP, DU145 etc.) down-regulated N/A PCAT29 is suppressed by DHT and upregulated upon castration therapy in a prostate cancer xenograft model. PCAT29 knockdown significantly increased proliferation and migration of prostate cancer cells, whereas PCAT29 overexpression conferred the opposite effect and suppressed growth and metastases of prostate tumors in chick chorioallantoic membrane assays. Finally, in prostate cancer patient specimens, low PCAT29 expression correlated with poor prognostic outcomes. PCAT29 as an androgen-regulated tumor suppressor in prostate cancer. 25030374 Lnc2Cancer
EL1054 PCAT29 prostate cancer qPCR, Western blot etc. cell lines (VCap, PC3M-luc, LNCaP etc.) down-regulated N/A This study reveals a novel tumor suppressive locus encoding two hormone-regulated lncRNAs, DRAIC and PCAT30, that are prognostic for a wide variety of cancer types.This study reveals a novel tumor suppressive locus encoding two hormone-regulated lncRNAs, DRAICand PCAT29, that are prognostic for a wide variety of cancer types. 25700553 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1055 PCAT5 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qPCR, knockdown etc. cell lines (PC-3, 22Rv1) up-regulated interaction In vitro validation of these alterations revealed a complex integrated phenotype affecting cell growth, migration, invasion, colony-forming potential and apoptosis. Our findings reveal a key molecular determinant of differences between PC and CRPC at the level of the transcriptome. Further, they establish PCAT5 as a novel oncogenic lncRNA in ERG-positive prostate cancers, with implications for defining CRPC biomarkers and new therapeutic interventions. 26282172 Lnc2Cancer
EL1056 PCAT6 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Both lncRNA showed positive correlation between gene expression and SCNA. The criteria of increasing expression from normal to primary to metastatic prostate cancer aimed to uncover lncRNA that may be important therapeutic targets for both primary and metastatic cancers. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1057 PCAT7 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Both lncRNA showed positive correlation between gene expression and SCNA. The criteria of increasing expression from normal to primary to metastatic prostate cancer aimed to uncover lncRNA that may be important therapeutic targets for both primary and metastatic cancers. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression PCGEM1 was originally discovered in a genome-wide gene expression screen as a cDNA sequence with prostate cancer overexpression and highly specific localization to glandular epithelial cells. 20951849 LncRNADisease
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation One of the earliest lncRNAs described in PCa, was PCGEM1(prostate cancer gene expression marker 1), a prostate-specific transcript encoded on 2q32 (40). One of the earliest lncRNAs described in PCa, was PCGEM1 (prostate cancer gene expression marker 1), a prostate-specific transcript encoded on 2q32 (40). 24146262 LncRNADisease
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation High-risk and predictive marker Oncogene 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A N/A PCGEM1, PCA3 (prostate cancer antigen 3, known also as DD3, differential display code 3) and PCNCR1 (prostate cancer ncRNA 1) are involved in prostate cancer, while HULC (highly up-regulated in liver cancer) is involved with liver cancer. 24667321 LncRNADisease
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation The focus of this Nature report13 is on two PCa-associated lncRNAs: PCGEM1 and PRNCR1. They cooperate in regulating the function of the male hormone receptor, the androgen receptor (AR), which plays central role in PCa onset and progression. AR pathway is activated in advanced CaPs including castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). 24713835 LncRNADisease
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer Northern blot etc. cell line (LNCaP) up-regulated N/A A prostate-specific and prostate cancer-associated noncoding gene, PCGEM1 regulates apoptosis. 16569192 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression Elevated expression of PCGEM1, a prostate-specific gene with cell growth-promoting function, is associated with high-risk prostate cancer patients. 14724589 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression The biomarkers had sensitivities ranging from 91% to 100%. Clinical specificities evaluated with the BPH tissue were the following: hTERT mRNA (93%), DD3 mRNA (57%), Survivin (29%) and PCGEM1 (14%). 16515751 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. cell lines (PC-3, DU145 etc.) up-regulated Interaction Phytosterol inhibition of PCGEM1 and cell growth and the overexpression of caveolin-1, suggests that poor disease prognosis anchors on the ability of caveolin-1 to regulate downstream oncogene(s) and apoptosis genes. 19186008 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression Expression profiles of genes in CRPC support a role for the transcriptional activity of the PCGEM1. 20868494 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue differential expression mutation We found a significantly decreased risk of PCa for rs6434568 AC and AC/AA genotype, as well as rs16834898 AC and AC/CC genotype, compared with the CC and AA genotypes, respectively. 23459097 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. cell lines (LNCaP) up-regulated N/A PCGEM1 overexpression is highly associated with prostate tumors. CGEM1 tumorigenic potential has been recently shown to be in part due to its ability to activate androgen receptor (AR). Here, we report a novel function of PCGEM1 that provides growth advantages for cancer cells by regulating tumor metabolism via c-Myc activation. PCGEM1 promotes glucose uptake for aerobic glycolysis, coupling with the pentose phosphate shunt to facilitate biosynthesis of nucleotide and lipid, and generates NADPH for redox homeostasis. 25512540 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR, Northern blot, FISH, ISH etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, DU145, PC-3CaP etc.) up-regulated expression PCGEM1, a prostate-specific gene, is overexpressed in prostate cancer. 11050243 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer qPCR, RIP etc. prostate cancer tissue,cell lines (LNCaP, LNCaP-cds1, LNCaP-cds2, CWR22Rv1 etc.), tissues (prostate tumour tissues) up-regulated expression Here we report that two lncRNAs highly overexpressed in aggressive prostate cancer, PRNCR1 (also known as PCAT8) and PCGEM1, bind successively to the androgen receptor and strongly enhance both ligand-dependent and ligand-independent androgen-receptor-mediated gene activation programs and proliferation in prostate cancer cells. 23945587 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qRT-PCR N/A N/A N/A not implicated in castration resistant prostate cancer. 24727738
EL1058 PCGEM1 prostate cancer RT-PCR, luciferase reporter assay, MTT assay and flow cytometry, transwell assays LNCaP cells and noncancerous RWPE-1 prostate cells, (nu/nu) mouse model up-regulated interaction We demonstrate a reciprocal negative control relationship between PCGEM1 and miR-145 that regulates both LNCaP cell proliferation and nu/nu PCa tumor growth. 25200485
EL1060 PCNCR1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A N/A Accumulating evidence indicated that prostate cancer non-coding RNA 1 (PCNCR1) lncRNA was identified in a gene deserton chromosome 8q24.2 and is associated with susceptibility to prostate cancer 22535282 LncRNADisease
EL1060 PCNCR1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A N/A PCGEM1, PCA3 (prostate cancer antigen 3, known also as DD3, differential display code 3) and PCNCR1 (prostate cancer ncRNA 3) are involved in prostate cancer, while HULC (highly up-regulated in liver cancer) is involved with liver cancer. 24667321 LncRNADisease
EL1078 POU5F1P4 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated N/A POU5F1P1 was found to be the only member of the POU5F1 family to be expressed in prostate with over-expression in prostatic carcinoma compared to surrounding prostatic tissue probably because of an increased density of expressing cells. The probability of a positive repeat biopsy increases with rising PCA3 scores. The PCA3 score was superior to %fPSA for predicting repeat prostate biopsy outcome and may be indicative of clinical stage and significance of pCa. 20017164 Lnc2Cancer
EL1085 PRINS prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) down-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1088 PRNCR1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation That same year, Chung et al reported PCa susceptibility SNPs within a 13 kb intron-less lincRNA also on 8q24, which they termed PRNCR1. 24146262 LncRNADisease
EL1088 PRNCR1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Susceptibility marker oncogene 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL1088 PRNCR1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation The focus of this Nature report13 is on two PCa-associated lncRNAs: PCGEM1 and PRNCR1. They cooperate in regulating the function of the male hormone receptor, the androgen receptor (AR), which plays central role in PCa onset and progression. AR pathway is activated in advanced CaPs including castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). 24713835 LncRNADisease
EL1088 PRNCR1 prostate cancer qPCR, Northern blot etc. cell lines (LNCaP, 22Rv1, PC-3 etc.) up-regulated N/A PRNCR1 expression was upregulated in some of the PC cells as well as precursor lesion prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Knockdown of PRNCR1 by siRNA attenuated the viability of PC cells and the transactivation activity of androgen receptor, which indicates that PRNCR1 could be involved in prostate carcinogenesis possibly through androgen receptor activity. 20874843 Lnc2Cancer
EL1088 PRNCR1 prostate cancer qPCR, RIP etc. prostate cancer tissue,cell lines (LNCaP, LNCaP-cds1, LNCaP-cds2, CWR22Rv1 etc.), tissues (prostate tumour tissues) up-regulated expression Here we report that two lncRNAs highly overexpressed in aggressive prostate cancer, PRNCR1 (also known as PCAT8) and PCGEM1, bind successively to the androgen receptor and strongly enhance both ligand-dependent and ligand-independent androgen-receptor-mediated gene activation programs and proliferation in prostate cancer cells. 23945587 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1088 PRNCR1 prostate cancer RNA-seq, qRT-PCR N/A N/A N/A not implicated in castration resistant prostate cancer. 24727738
EL1097 PTENP1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A regulation Oncogene; tumour suppressor 24373479 LncRNADisease
EL1102 PVT1 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1102 PVT1 prostate cancer qPCR, ChIP etc. cell lines (PC3, 1542-CP) differential expression mutation The risk allele (G) of rs378854 (A>G) reduces binding of the transcription factor YY1 in vitro. The region surrounding rs378854 interacts with the MYC and PVT1 promoters.Expression of the PVT1 oncogene in normal prostate tissue increased with the presence of the risk allele of rs378854, while expression of MYC was not affected. 21814516 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1180 SCHLAP1 prostate cancer microarray, ISH etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated N/A SChLAP1 expression increases with prostate cancer progression,and high SChLAP1 expression by ISH is associated with poor outcome after radical prostatectomy in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer by both univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses. 25499224 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1180 SCHLAP1 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated N/A The long non-coding RNA SChLAP1 was identified as the highest-ranked overexpressed gene in cancers with metastatic progression. 25456366 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
EL1180 SCHLAP1 prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Prensner et al found that the lncRNA SChLAP1 was overexpresed in prostate tumors and where it is critical for tumor cell metastasis. 24829860 LncRNADisease
EL1180 SCHLAP1 prostate cancer RNA-Seq, qPCR, in vitro knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, prostate cell lines (PCAT-109, PCAT-114 etc.) up-regulated N/A SChLAP1 contributes to the development of lethal cancer at least in part by antagonizing the tumor-suppressive functions of the SWI/SNF complex. 24076601 Lnc2Cancer
EL1240 SPRY4-IT1 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. urine, cell lines (PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated expression We identified a group of differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs in prostate cancer cell lines and patient samples and further characterized six long noncoding RNAs (AK024556, XLOC_007697, LOC100287482, XLOC_005327, XLOC_008559, and XLOC_009911) in prostatic adenocarcinoma tissue samples and compared them with matched normal tissues. Interestingly, these markers were also successfully detetced in patient urine samples and were found to be up-regulated when compared with normal urine. 25513185 Lnc2Cancer
EL1325 TERC prostate cancer N/A N/A N/A expression TERC is expressed in all human tissues regardless of telomerase activity, whereas TERT is highly expressed in >90% of tumor cells 24146262 LncRNADisease
EL1349 TP53COR1 prostate cancer qPCR etc. prostate cancer tissue up-regulated expression The lincRNA-p21 levels were significantly higher in PCa than in BPH. Our data suggest that the discriminative potential of exosomal lincRNA-p21 levels may help to improve the diagnostic prediction of the malignant state for patients with PCa. 25999983 Lnc2Cancer
EL1366 TRPM2-AS prostate cancer microarray, qPCR etc. cell line (PC3) differential expression expression This essential role, coupled to the TRPM2-AS low-expression levels in healthy tissues, makes this ncRNA a suitable therapeutic target for further clinical studies. To get insights into the survival mechanism controlled by this molecule, we ablated its expression in prostate cancer cells and performed a genome-wide analysis of the transcripts differentially regulated in dying cells. 26484139 Lnc2Cancer
EL1366 TRPM2-AS prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (PNT1A, PC3 etc.) up-regulated N/A TRPM2-AS is overexpressed in prostate cancer (PCa). The high expression of TRPM2-AS and its related gene signature were found to be linked to poor clinical outcome, with the related gene signature working also independently of the patient's Gleason score. Mechanistically, TRPM2-AS knockdown led to PCa cell apoptosis, with a transcriptional profile that indicated an unbearable increase in cellular stress in the dying cells, which was coupled to cell cycle arrest, an increase in intracellular hydrogen peroxide and activation of the sense TRPM2 gene. 24931166 Lnc2Cancer
EL1399 TUG1 prostate cancer integrating analysis of sequence features and gene expression profiles prostate cancer up-regulated N/A sub-cellular localization-dependent function 26975529
EL1416 uc001lsz prostate cancer qPCR etc. cell lines ((Du-145, PC-3) up-regulated N/A We found that comparing with respective normal cell line, uc001lsz was lowly expressed in gastric cancer (AGS, MGC-803 and SGC-7901), lung cancer (A549) and liver cancer (SMMC-7721 and HepG2) cell lines, while only highly expressed in prostate cancer (Du-145 and PC-3) cell lines. 24063685 Lnc2Cancer
EL1431 UCA1 prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) down-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
EL1431 UCA1 prostate cancer qPCR, Western blot, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (22RV1, PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated interaction Herein, we found that UCA1 was abnormally upregulated in tumor tissues from PC patients, and patients with high UCA1 levels had a significantly poorer prognosis. Intriguingly, the mRNA and protein levels of KLF4 were significantly increased in tumor tissues, which was highly correlated to UCA1 levels. Moreover, UCA1 depletion inhibited the growth and induced apoptosis in PC3 and LNCaP cell lines. In addition, UCA1 loss-of-function could decrease KLF4 expression, subsequently, the downregulation of KRT6 and KRT13. Taken together, our study indicated that UCA1 had a crucial role in the tumorigenesis of PC. 26550172 Lnc2Cancer
EL1496 XLOC_007697 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. urine, cell lines (PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated expression We identified a group of differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs in prostate cancer cell lines and patient samples and further characterized six long noncoding RNAs (AK024556, XLOC_007697, LOC100287482, XLOC_005327, XLOC_008559, and XLOC_009911) in prostatic adenocarcinoma tissue samples and compared them with matched normal tissues. Interestingly, these markers were also successfully detetced in patient urine samples and were found to be up-regulated when compared with normal urine. 25513185 Lnc2Cancer
EL1497 XLOC_008559 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. urine, cell lines (PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated expression We identified a group of differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs in prostate cancer cell lines and patient samples and further characterized six long noncoding RNAs (AK024556, XLOC_007697, LOC100287482, XLOC_005327, XLOC_008559, and XLOC_009911) in prostatic adenocarcinoma tissue samples and compared them with matched normal tissues. Interestingly, these markers were also successfully detetced in patient urine samples and were found to be up-regulated when compared with normal urine. 25513185 Lnc2Cancer
EL1499 XLOC_009911 prostate cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown etc. urine, cell lines (PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated expression We identified a group of differentially expressed long noncoding RNAs in prostate cancer cell lines and patient samples and further characterized six long noncoding RNAs (AK024556, XLOC_007697, LOC100287482, XLOC_005327, XLOC_008559, and XLOC_009911) in prostatic adenocarcinoma tissue samples and compared them with matched normal tissues. Interestingly, these markers were also successfully detetced in patient urine samples and were found to be up-regulated when compared with normal urine. 25513185 Lnc2Cancer