LncRNA Information
ID EL1431 Name UCA1 Aliases CUDR; LINC00178; NCRNA00178; UCAT1; onco-lncRNA-36
Species Homo sapiens Chromosome 19 Start site 15828961
End site 15836320 Chain plus Exon NO. 3
Assembly Ensembl Release 89 Class lincRNA NCBI accession NR_015379
Ensembl ENSG00000214049 Sequence

Disease Method Sample Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
colorectal cancer in vitro and in vivo growth-promoting function two CRC cohorts up-regulated N/A UCA1 could sponge endogenous miR-204-5p and inhibit its activity 27046651
gastric cancer microarray assay, real-time PCR assay gastric tumor samples N/A expression There was a significantly positive correlation of UCA1 expression levels between tumor tissues and plasma (r = 0.931). Plasma UCA1 provided the higher diagnostic performance for detection of GC (AUC = 0.928; P < 0.001) than PVT-1 (AUC = 0.731; P < 0.01). Plasma UCA1 levels could be a promising candidate of noninvasive biomarker for GC early diagnosis. 26722487
ovarian cancer microarray, qPCR etc. ovarian cancer tissue, cell lines (SKOV3, SKOV3.ip1 etc.) down-regulated N/A The qPCR results of seven lncRNAs (MALAT1, H19, UCA1, CCAT1, LOC645249, LOC100128881, and LOC100292680) were consistent with the deregulation found by microarray analysis, reflecting the reliability of the microarray data to some extent. 24379988 Lnc2Cancer
breast cancer microarray, qPCR, knockdown, ISH etc. breast cancer tissues and adjacent normal tissues, cell lines(MDA-MB-231) up-regulated interaction UC1 was significantly upregulated, while miR-143 was significantly downregulated in the tumor tissues than in the adjacent normal tissues. There are direct interactions between miR-143 and the miRNA recognition sites of UCA1. UCA1 is present in Ago2-containing RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), through association with miR-143. Through downregulating miR-143, UCA1 can modulate breast cancer cell growth and apoptosis 26439035 Lnc2Cancer
colorectal cancer microarray, qPCR, Luciferase reporter assay, knockdown etc. CRC tissue, cell lines (HCT116, SW480, RKO, HCT8, LoVo etc.) up-regulated interaction UCA1 was upregulated in CRC and the expression of UCA1 was statistically correlated with lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis and tumor stage. We also found that knockdown of UCA1 significantly suppressed cell proliferation and metastasis in CRC cells. Flow cytometry assays showed UCA1 silencing induced G0/G1 growth arrest and apoptosis of CRC cells. To further investigate the regulatory mechanisms of UCA1, we identified that Ets-2 bound to the UCA1 core promoter using luciferase assays. 26238511 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer microarray, qPCR, Northern blot etc. bladder cancer tissue, cell lines (TCC, BLS-211, BLZ-211 etc.) up-regulated expression UCA1, a non-protein-coding RNA up-regulated in bladder carcinoma and embryo, influencing cell growth and promoting invasion. 18501714 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
breast cancer microarray, qPCR, Western blot, knockdown, Luciferase reporter assay, RIP etc. cell lines ( MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, HCT-116 p53-WT, HCT-116 etc.) up-regulated regulation Long non-coding RNA UCA1 promotes breast tumor growth by suppression of p27 (Kip1). 24457952 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer microarray, qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay, knockdown etc. bladder cancer tissue, cell lines (RT4, T24 etc.) up-regulated regulation Long non-coding RNA UCA1 increases chemoresistance of bladder cancer cells by regulating Wnt signaling. 24495014 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
prostate cancer microarray, RNA-seq, qPCR, Northern bolt, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (LNCaP, CWR22Rv1, PC3 etc.) down-regulated N/A Interestingly, nine out of these thirteen known cancer-related lncRNA showed significantly differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples. Several lncRNA such as NEAT1, DANCR, HOTTIP, PRINS, and EGOT that have established functions in forming nuclear speckles, in development or in autoimmune disease, but were not previously known to be related to cancer, showed differential expression between tumor and normal prostate samples, suggesting their potential function in prostate cancer. 23728290 Lnc2Cancer
gastric cancer microarray, RT-PCR gastric tumor samples up-regulated expression The expression level of 4 lncRNAs: UCA1, lincRNA-BBOX1-2, CR594506 and BC015134 were further confirmed in another cohort of 10 gastric patients by real-time PCR assay. A coding-non-coding co-expression network revealed that the four validated lncRNAs were correlated with twenty-six mRNAs which gave clues about the potential roles of these lncRNAs in the process of gastric cancer progression. 25769450
epithelial ovarian cancer N/A EOC tissues and cells up-regulated N/A upregulated in EOC tissues and cells, but also correlated with status of lymph; an endogenous sponge 26867765
squamous cell carcinoma N/A N/A N/A expression Cancer up-regulated drug resistant (CUDR) gene, was found to be overexpressed in a doxorubicin-resistant subline of human squamous carcinoma A431 and A10A cells. 17416635 LncRNADisease
pancreaticobiliary maljunction N/A N/A N/A expression Gene expression profiling reveals upregulated UCA1 and BMF in gallbladder epithelia of children with pancreaticobiliary maljunction. 21593646 LncRNADisease
bladder cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Theseguilty by association studies have found numerous bladder-cancer associated lncRNAs 24006935 LncRNADisease
bladder cancer N/A N/A N/A expression Diagnostic marker oncogene 24373479 LncRNADisease
oral squamous cell carcinoma N/A N/A N/A expression Subsequently, they confirmed that the expression levels of HOTAIR, NEAT-1 and UCA3 in metastasized samples was prominent higher than the non-metastatic samples.? 24817925 LncRNADisease
tongue squamous cell carcinoma N/A N/A N/A expression Meaningfully, the expression levels of UCA1 lncRNA were dramatically higher in TSCC tissues than those in paired ANTs.? 24817925 LncRNADisease
urinary bladder cancer N/A N/A N/A N/A UCA1 expression was found in T24 cell line and also found to be significantly higher in the cancer group as compared to the controls 25123267 LncRNADisease
bladder cancer qPCR etc. bladder cancer tissue up-regulated expression UCA1 was identified as a novel noncoding RNA gene dramatically up-regulated in TCC (bladder transitional cell carcinoma) and it is the most TCC-specific gene yet identified. 16914571 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR etc. cell line (BLZ-211) up-regulated N/A After knocking down of UCA1 in BLZ-211 cells, several cell cycle-related genes (CDKN2B, EP300 and TGFβ-2) were screened by microarray assay and validated by qPCR. Taken together, we concluded that UCA1 regulated cell cycle through CREB via PI3K-AKT dependent pathway in bladder cancer. 22285928 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR etc. bladder cancer tissue up-regulated expression With a high level of sensitivity and specificity, UCA1 is a promising urinary marker for the diagnosis of bladder cancer. 22490897 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR etc. cell lines (BLZ-211, 5637, UM-UC-2 etc.) up-regulated expression Overexpression of UCA1a(CUDR) significantly enhanced proliferation, migration and invasion of the bladder cancer cell line UM-UC-2. 22576688 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
oral squamous cell carcinoma qPCR etc. OSCC tissues up-regulated N/A We found that most of the selected transcripts (4/6) were upregulated in tumors relative to matched adjacent nonmalignant tissue. One gene, MEG-3, was downregulated in cancer compared with its adjacent nonmalignant tissue. Expression of lncRNA (HOTAIR, NEAT-1 and UCA1) was significantly higher in the samples that subsequently metastasized compared with the non-metastatic samples. By contrast, MEG-3 was downregulated in the metastatic samples. These findings suggest that the detection of lncRNAs in saliva may be used as a noninvasive and rapid diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of oral cancer. 23292713 Lnc2Cancer
tongue squamous cell carcinoma qPCR etc. TSCC tissue up-regulated N/A The expression levels of lncRNA UCA1 were significantly elevated in TSCC tissues (P < .0001) and were statistically correlated with lymph node metastasis (P = .0371). Over-expression of UCA1 lncRNA could promote metastatic but not proliferation ability of TSCC cells. 24332332 Lnc2Cancer
colorectal cancer qPCR etc. colorectal cancer tissue, cell lines (CaCO-2, SW480, HCT116, LoVo etc.) up-regulated N/A UCA1 levels were markedly increased in CRC tissues, and this high level of UCA1 expression was significantly correlated with larger tumour size, less differentiated histology and greater tumour depth.an important role for UCA1 in the molecular aetiology of CRC and suggest a potential application for UCA1 in CRC diagnosis, progression and therapy. 24977734 Lnc2Cancer
gastric cancer qPCR etc. cancerous gastric tissue, blood (serum) up-regulated expression A three-lncRNA signature, including CUDR, LSINCT-5 and PTENP1, was identified that may be potential diagnostic marker for GC. Moreover, a risk model for the serum three-lncRNA signature demonstrated that healthy samples can be distinguished from early GC samples. Three-lncRNA signature in serum was identified as diagnostic marker for GC. 25694351 Lnc2Cancer
gastric cancer qPCR etc. gastric cancer tissue, cell lines (SGC-7901, BGC-823, MKN-28) up-regulated N/A UCA1 expression was remarkably increased in gastric cancer tissues and cell lines compared with that in the normal control; high UCA1 expression correlated with worse differentiation, tumor size, invasion depth and TNM stage in gastric cancer; increased UCA1 expression contributed to poor overall survival and disease-free survival of patients. 25903045 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR etc. urine up-regulated interaction Compared to control groups, the malignant group had higher expression levels of miR-210, miR-96, and lncRNA-UCA1. 26138586 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR etc. urine up-regulated expression The detected lncRNA-UCA1 level was significantly lower in healthy donors and benign groups compared to bladder cancer samples. 26161701 Lnc2Cancer
lung cancer qPCR etc. NSCLC tissue up-regulated expression The results showed that the expression of UCA1 in NSCLC tissues was obviously higher than that observed in pair-matched adjacent nontumourous tissues, (P < 0.001). In conclusion, the current results indicated that Plasma UCA1 could serve as a potential biomarker for diagnosis of NSCLC. UCA1 as a biomarker in clinical application might significantly improve the efficacy of human NSCLC screening. 26380024 Lnc2Cancer
breast cancer qPCR etc. breast cancer tissue up-regulated expression We found that treatment with macrophage CM induced the expression of numerous lncRNAs, including urothelial cancer associated 1 (UCA1). Knockdown of UCA1 using shRNA inhibited AKT phosphorylation and abolished invasiveness of tumor cells induced by macrophage CM. Consistent with these results; we further showed that UCA1 level was significantly enhanced in human primary breast tumors and correlated with advanced clinical stage, supporting its role in promoting carcinogenesis and progression of breast cancer 26464647 Lnc2Cancer
hepatocelluar carcinoma qPCR etc. HCC tissue up-regulated expression We found that lncRNA-UCA1 and lncRNA-WRAP53 were significantly higher in sera of HCC than those with chronic HCV infection or healthy volunteers. Our data suggested that the increased expression of UCA1 and WRAP53 was associated with advanced clinical parameters in HCC. 26551349 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, ISH etc. cell lines (BLS-211, BLX-211, BLZ-211 etc.) up-regulated expression In adult human tissues, UCA1 gene was not expressed except in the heart and spleen. The expression level of UCA1 was increased in 8 common tumor tissues as compared with that in the corresponding normal tissues. 20117985 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
melanoma qPCR, knockdown etc. melanoma tissue, cell line (A-375) up-regulated N/A highly expressed,can promote the metastasis of melanoma. The expression levels of UCA1 and Malat-1 lncRNAs had the potential to be prognostic indicators in metastasis of melanomas. 24892958 Lnc2Cancer
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma qPCR, knockdown etc. ESCC tissue, cell lines (EC109, EC9706, KYSE150, KYSE510) up-regulated expression The relative level of UCA1 was significantly higher in ESCC tissues, and remarkably higher expression of UCA1 was found in esophageal cancer cell lines compared with the immortalized esophageal epithelial cell line NE1. The ESCC patients with higher UCA1 expression had an advanced clinical stage and a poorer prognosis than those with lower expression. In vitro assays, our data indicated that downregulation of UCA1 decrease cell proliferation, migration, and invasion ability. 25550835 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Luciferase reporter assays, knockdown etc. cell lines (5637, T24, BLZ-211, BLS-211) up-regulated expression Upregulation of long non-coding RNA urothelial carcinoma associated 1 by CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α contributes to bladder cancer cell growth and reduced apoptosis. 24648007 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Western blot, in vitro knockdown, RIP etc. bladdder cancer tissue up-regulated N/A In the present study, we first examined the function of UCA1 in 5637 bladder cancer cells, which express high levels of UCA1. We found that UCA1 plays an oncogene-like role in this bladder cancer cell line, which is consistent with previous reports. Furthermore, we found UCA1 promotes 5637 cell proliferation by antagonizing the activities of BRG1, by reducing its binding to the p21 promoter and inhibiting its chromatin remodeling activity.UCA1 impairs both binding of BRG1 to the p21 promoter and chromatin remodeling activity of BRG1. 24993775 Lnc2Cancer
liver cancer qPCR, Western blot, ISH, RIP, ChIP etc. Human liver cancer stem cell line up-regulated interaction Herein, we demonstrate excessive CUDR cooperates with excessive CyclinD1 or PTEN depletion to accelerate liver cancer stem cells growth and liver stem cell malignant transformation in vitro and in vivo. 26513297 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Western blot, knockdown etc. bladder cancer cell lines up-regulated N/A In this study, we show that lncRNA UCA1 promotes glycolysis in bladder cancer cells, and that UCA1-induced hexokinase 2 (HK2) functions as an important mediator in this process. We further show that UCA1 activates mTOR to regulate HK2 through both activation of STAT3 and repression of microRNA143. 24890811 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Western blot, knockdown etc. bladder cancer tissue up-regulated N/A Here, we report that downregulated hsa-miR-1 and upregulated lncRNA urothelial cancer associated 1 (UCA1) were inversely expressed in bladder cancer. Hsa-miR-1 decreased the expression of UCA1 in bladder cancer cells in an Ago2-slicer-dependent manner. The binding site between UCA1 and hsa-miR-1 was confirmed. Overexpression of hsa-miR-1 inhibited bladder cancer cell growth, induced apoptosis, and decreased cell motility. hsamiR-1 to play tumor suppressive roles via downregulating lncRNA UCA1 in bladder cancer, which may have potential therapeutic significance. 25015192 Lnc2Cancer
non-small cell lung cancer qPCR, Western blot, knockdown etc. lung adenocarcinoma tissues, cell lines (PC9, H1975, H460, H23, H1299) up-regulated interaction In our study, UCA1 expression was significantly increased in lung cancer cells and patients with acquired resistance to EGFR-TKIs. Over-expression of UCA1 was significantly associated with a shorter progression-free survival (PFS), in tumors with respond to EGFR-TKIs. 26160838 Lnc2Cancer
prostate cancer qPCR, Western blot, knockdown etc. prostate cancer tissue, cell lines (22RV1, PC3, LNCaP) up-regulated interaction Herein, we found that UCA1 was abnormally upregulated in tumor tissues from PC patients, and patients with high UCA1 levels had a significantly poorer prognosis. Intriguingly, the mRNA and protein levels of KLF4 were significantly increased in tumor tissues, which was highly correlated to UCA1 levels. Moreover, UCA1 depletion inhibited the growth and induced apoptosis in PC3 and LNCaP cell lines. In addition, UCA1 loss-of-function could decrease KLF4 expression, subsequently, the downregulation of KRT6 and KRT13. Taken together, our study indicated that UCA1 had a crucial role in the tumorigenesis of PC. 26550172 Lnc2Cancer
hepatocelluar carcinoma qPCR, Western blot, knockdown, RIP etc. HCC tissue, cell lines (MHCC97L, SMMC7721, MHCC97H, HepG2, SK-Hep1 etc.) up-regulated N/A Upregulated lncRNA-UCA1 contributes to progression of hepatocellular carcinoma through inhibition of miR-216b and activation of FGFR1/ERK signaling pathway. 25760077 LncRNADisease Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay etc. bladder cancer tissue, cell lines (UMUC2, 5637) up-regulated interaction Real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that the RNA level of urothelial carcinoma-associated 1 and GLS2 was positively correlated in bladder cancer tissues and cell lines. 26373319 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay etc. bladder cancer tissue, cell lines (5637, T24, UMUC2) up-regulated interaction Here, we demonstrated that overexpression of lncRNA-UCA1 could induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and increase the migratory and invasive abilities of bladder cancer cells. Mechanistically, lncRNA-UCA1 induced EMT of bladder cancer cells by upregulating the expression levels of zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 and 2 (ZEB1 and ZEB2), and regulated bladder cancer cell migration and invasion by tumor suppressive hsa-miR-145 and its target gene the actin-binding protein fascin homologue 1 (FSCN1). 26544536 Lnc2Cancer
bladder cancer qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay, knockdown etc. cell lines (5637, T24) up-regulated N/A LncRNA-UCA1 was upregulated by hypoxia in bladder cancer cells. Under hypoxic conditions, lncRNA-UCA1 upregulation increased cell proliferation, migration, and invasion and inhibited apoptosis. The underlying mechanism of hypoxia-upregulated lncRNA-UCA1 expression was that HIF-1a specifically bound to HREs in the lncRNA-UCA1 promoter. Furthermore, HIF-1a knockdown or inhibition could prevent lncRNA-UCA1 upregulation under hypoxia. 24737584 Lnc2Cancer
non-small cell lung cancer qPCR, Western blot, Luciferase reporter assay, RIP etc. NSCLC and adjacent non-tumor lung tissues, cell lines (A549, H1299, H446, H460, NCIH1650, BEAS-2B) up-regulated interaction UCA1 overexpression enhanced, whereas UCA1 silencing impaired the proliferation and colony formation of NSCLC cells. Moreover, mechanistic investigations showed that UCA1 upregulated the expression of miR-193a-3p target gene ERBB4 through competitively 'spongeing' miR-193a-3p. Overall, we concluded that UCA1 functions as an oncogene in NSCLC, acting mechanistically by upregulating ERBB4 in part through 'spongeing' miR-193a-3p 26655272 Lnc2Cancer
liver cancer qPCR, Western blot, RIP etc. cells line (MEL-2) up-regulated interaction Herein, we demonstrate that SET1A cooperates with CUDR to accelerate hepatocarcinogenesis and promote malignant transformation of hepatocyte-like stem cells. Mechanistically, CUDR enhances the phosphorylation of RB1, C-myc expression, and the interplay between the SET1A and pRB1. Notably, CUDR acts as a sponge cushion that shows a link between SET1A and pRB1, producing a activated pRB1-SET1A complex. 26581161 Lnc2Cancer
renal cell carcinoma Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR RCC cell lines compared with the human embryonic kidney 293T cell line up-regulated N/A an oncogene in RCC 26935146
gastric cancer quantitative real-time PCR N/A up-regulated N/A Silence of UCA1 could significantly inhibit the cell proliferation of gastric cancer 27056384
acute myeloid leukemia RNA-seq, qPCR, in vitro knockdown, RIP etc. cell lines(K562 , CEBPA, CEBPA-P30, K562etc.) up-regulated interaction In this study, we identified the oncogenic urothelial carcinoma associated 1 (UCA1) lncRNA as a novel target of the C/EBPα-p30. While wild-type C/EBPα represses, C/EBPα-p30 can induce UCA1 transcription. Notably, we also show that UCA1 expression increases in cytogenetically normal AML cases carrying biallelic CEBPA mutations.Thus, we identified, for the first time, an oncogenic lncRNA functioning in concert with the dominant negative isoform of C/EBPα-p30 in AML. 26053097 Lnc2Cancer

Function (not disease relevant)
Methods Sample/condition Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
N/A Human Liver Stem Cell N/A interaction CUDR plays a positive potential role in liver cancer stem cell through the cascade of CUDR-HULC/CUDR-β-catenin signaling. 26347501

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
171. C/EBPα-p30 RNA-Protein regulation we identified the oncogenic urothelial carcinoma associated 1 (UCA1) lncRNA as a novel target of the C/EBPα-p30. 26053097
Hyaluronoglucosaminidase 1 (HYAL1) RNA-Protein co-expression There was a significant positive correlation between HYAL1 and the selected epigenetic biomarkers. 26138586
AKT/mTOR pathway N/A regulation UCA1 may induce non-T790M acquired resistance to EGFR-TKIs by activating the AKT/mTOR pathway and EMT. 26160838
Ets-2 DNA-Protein binding Ets-2 bound to the UCA1 core promoter using luciferase assays. 26238511
β-catenin RNA-Protein regulation CUDR causes highly upregulated in liver cancer (HULC) and β-catenin abnormal expression by inhibiting HULC promoter methylation and promoting β-catenin promoter-enhancer chromatin looping formation mediated by CUDR-ccctc-binding factor (CTCF) complex, which recruits more RNA polII and P300. 26347501
histone H3 twenty-seventh lysine (H3K27me3) RNA-Protein regulation CUDR could enhance the human embryonic stem cells (ESC) differentiation into hepatocyte-like cells by reducing trimethylation on histone H3 twenty-seventh lysine (H3K27me3). 26347501
miR-16 RNA-RNA regulation Urothelial carcinoma-associated 1 regulated the expression of GLS2 through interfering with miR-16, and repressed ROS formation in bladder cancer cells. 26373319
miR-143 RNA-RNA binding There are direct interactions between miR-143 and the miRNA recognition sites of UCA1. UCA1 is present in Ago2-containing RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), through association with miR-143. 26439035
H19 RNA-DNA binding CUDR-CyclinD1 complex loads onto the long noncoding RNA H19 promoter region that may lead to reduce the DNA methylation on H19 promoter region and then to enhance the H19 expression. 26513297
C-myc RNA-DNA binding Insulator CTCF recruits the CUDR-CyclinD1 complx to form the composite CUDR-CyclinD1-insulator CTCF complex which occupancied on the C-myc gene promoter region, increasing the outcome of oncogene C-myc. 26513297
CyclinD1 RNA-Protein binding The decrease of PTEN in cells may lead to increase binding capacity of CUDR to CyclinD1. 26513297
ZEB1 and ZEB2 RNA-Protein regulation lncRNA-UCA1 induced EMT of bladder cancer cells by upregulating the expression levels of zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 and 2 (ZEB1 and ZEB2) 26544536
hsa-miR-145 RNA-RNA binding The binding site for hsa-miR-145 within exons 2 and 3 of lncRNA-UCA1 contributed to the reciprocal negative regulation of lncRNA-UCA1 and hsa-miR-145. 26544536
KLF4 RNA-Protein regulation UCA1 loss-of-function could decrease KLF4 expression, subsequently, the downregulation of KRT6 and KRT13. 26550172
SET1A RNA-Protein regulation SET1A cooperates with CUDR to play a positive potential role during hepatocarcinogenesis and hepatocyte-like stem cells' malignant transformation epigenetically 26581161
miR-193a-3p RNA-RNA binding UCA1 upregulated the expression of miR-193a-3p target gene ERBB4 through competitively 'spongeing' miR-193a-3p. 26655272
MMP14 RNA-Protein regulation Depletion of UCA1 was involved in the downregulation of matrix metallopeptidase 14 (MMP14) expression, a target gene of miR-485-5p. 26867765
miR-485-5p RNA-RNA binding UCA1 could function as an endogenous sponge by directly binding to miR-485-5p. 26867765
CREB1 RNA-Protein regulation CREB1 as a new target of miR-204-5p. The protein levels of CREB1 were significantly up-regulated in CRCs, negatively associated with survival time and positively correlated with the UCA1 expression. 27046651
miR-204-5p RNA-RNA binding UCA1 could sponge endogenous miR-204-5p and inhibit its activity. 27046651