ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL0580 HOTAIRM1 HOXA1 and HOXA4 RNA-DNA regulation Knockdown of HOTAIRM1 quantitatively blunted RA-induced expression of HOXA1 and HOXA4 during the myeloid differentiation of NB4 cells, and selectively attenuated induction of transcripts for the myeloid differentiation genes CD11b and CD18, but did not noticeably impact the more distal HOXA genes. 19144990
EL0580 HOTAIRM1 HOXA1 RNA-RNA co-expression HOTAIRM1 knockdown in NB4 cells prevented RA induction of HOXA1 and A4. 21874119 LncRNADisease
EL0580 HOTAIRM1 HOXA4 RNA-RNA co-expression HOTAIRM1 knockdown in NB4 cells prevented RA induction of HOXA1 and A4. 21874119 LncRNADisease
EL0580 HOTAIRM1 miR-196b DNA-RNA co-expression HOTAIRM1 expression was associated with a specific 33-microRNA signature that included miR-196b (P < 0.001). 26433964