LncRNA Information
ID EL2622 Name nam1 Aliases N/A
Species Schizosaccharomyces pombe Chromosome N/A Start site N/A
End site N/A Chain N/A Exon NO. N/A
Assembly N/A Class lncRNA NCBI accession N/A
Ensembl N/A Sequence N/A Peptide-related N/A
CircRNA N/A Exosomal yes Structure yes

Structure information
Structure view PDB ID
Tradeaux 5O8M

Function (not disease relevant)
Drug/chemo/stress Methods Sample/condition Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID
knockdown fission yeast interaction Epub Selective termination of lncRNA transcription promotes heterochromatin silencing and cell differentiation. 28765164

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Methods Description PMID
Mmi1 RNA-Protein binding N/A Mmi1 binding to this lncRNA not only triggers its degradation but also mediates its transcription termination, thus preventing lncRNA transcription from invading and repressing the downstream gene encoding a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) essential to sexual differentiation. 28765164