LncRNA Information
ID EL1440 Name VAI Aliases VA RNA I;VA RNA II.
Species Human adenovirus Chromosome N/A Start site N/A
End site N/A Chain N/A Exon NO. N/A
Assembly N/A Class N/A NCBI accession N/A
Ensembl N/A Sequence N/A

Function (not disease relevant)
Methods Sample/condition Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
a peptide phosphorylation assay, U.V. crosslinking experiments and filter binding assay N/A N/A interaction Eber-1, eber-2 and vai rna exhibit mutually competitive binding to the native or recombinant enzyme 7901835
construct mutants N/A N/A expression Analysis of the mutant's growth defect indicates that the adenovirus vai rna is required for efficient translation of viral mrnas at late times after infection. 6297772
isothermal titration calorimetry and gel electrophoresis N/A N/A interaction Autophosphorylation assays confirmed that both EBER(I) and VA(I) are inhibitors of PKR activation, and profiled the kinetics of the inhibition. Binding affinities of dsRNAs to PKR double-stranded RNA-binding domains (dsRBDs) were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry and gel electrophoresis. 16580685
N/A N/A N/A interaction The virus-associated rnas, va rnai and va rnaii, function as suppressors of rnai by interfering with the activity of dicer. the va rnas bind dicer and function as competitive substrates squelching dicer. 16014917

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
RISC RNA-Protein binding Whereas both strands of the va rnai-specific sirna are incorporated into risc, the 3' strand of the va rnaii-specific sirna is selectively incorporated during a lytic infection. 16014917
PKR RNA-Protein binding The binding sites on inhibitor RNAs and the dsRBDs of PKR have been mapped by NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments, which indicate that inhibitors of PKR employ similar surfaces of interaction as activators. 16580685
PKR RNA-Protein binding Eber-1, eber-2 and vai rna exhibit mutually competitive binding to the native or recombinant enzyme 7901835