LncRNA Information
ID EL1437 Name Uhg2 Aliases Dmel_CR32873; CR32873; DmelCR32873; Dros-UHG2; dUHG2; dUhg2
Species Drosophila melanogaster Chromosome 2L Start site 9893805
End site 9895003 Chain minus Exon NO. 5
Assembly Release 6 plus ISO1 MT Class N/A NCBI accession NR_001637, NR_073751
Ensembl N/A Sequence

Function (not disease relevant)
Methods Sample/condition Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
N/A N/A N/A expression We have identified two unusually compact box c/d multi-snorna host genes in d. melanogaster, duhg1 and duhg2, similar in their organization to the corresponding vertebrate non-protein-coding host genes. 11302516