LncRNA Information
ID EL0563 Name HBB Aliases CD113t-C; beta-globin
Species Homo sapiens Chromosome 11 Start site 5225464
End site 5229395 Chain minus Exon NO. 3
Assembly Ensembl Release 89 Class retained intron NCBI accession N/A
Ensembl ENSG00000244734 Sequence N/A

Function (not disease relevant)
Methods Sample/condition Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
N/A N/A N/A expression The human beta-globin locus is divided into three differentially activated chromatin subdomains. large transcripts precisely delineate the active domains at key cell cycle points associated with chromatin transitions and remodeling. 10882078
N/A N/A N/A interaction Intergenic transcripts of the beta-globin gene cluster are specifically upregulated in dicer-deficient cells. 16227618
nuclear run-on analysis, in situ hybridization analysis erythroid cell lines, nonerythroid cell lines, erythroid tissue N/A expression The plasmid colocalizes with the endogenous beta-globin locus providing insight into the mechanism of transinduction. 9334315

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
Dicer RNA-Protein regulation Intergenic transcripts of the beta-globin gene cluster are specifically upregulated in dicer-deficient cells. 16227618