LncRNA Information
ID EL0535 Name Gli3 Aliases AI854843; AU023367; Bph; GLI3-190; GLI3FL; Pdn; Xt; add
Species Mus musculus Chromosome 13 Start site 15463235
End site 15730026 Chain plus Exon NO. 16
Assembly Ensembl Release 89 Class retained intron NCBI accession N/A
Ensembl ENSMUSG00000021318 Sequence N/A

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
Gli3 RNA-RNA co-expression The downregulation of a ncRNA (AK053922) is associated with the Gli3 locus in all progeny of N/OPs, whereas Gli3 was upregulated in N/OPs but downregulated in all progeny of N/Ops. 20137068 LncRNADisease