LncRNA Information
ID EL1306 Name TCONS_00061773 Aliases N/A
Species Populus tomentosa Chromosome N/A Start site N/A
End site N/A Chain N/A Exon NO. N/A
Assembly N/A Class lincRNA NCBI accession N/A
Ensembl N/A Sequence N/A

Function (not disease relevant)
Methods Sample/condition Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
RNA-seq/qRT-PCR wood formation up-regulated N/A TCONS_00061773 harbors precursors for two known miRNAs, Ptc-miR1448 and Ptc-miR482a.2 (Fig. 7). Previous studies supported the idea that Ptc-miR1448 may be involved in the resistance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses (Lu et al. 2008) and Ptc-miR482a.2 has been reported as a tree-specific miRNA in tension wood (Lu et al. 2005, 2008). The expression measured by qRT-PCR revealed that Ptc-miR1448 is much more abundant than Ptc-miR482a.2, although both miRNAs occur in one cluster in the genome (Lu et al. 2005, 2008). These findings supported the idea that TCONS_00061773 may be associated with abiotic stress tolerance in Populus. 25230698 PLNlncRbase

Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
Ptc-miR1448/Ptc-miR482a.2 RNA-RNA regulation only three of the 1377 lncRNAs (0.2 %), i.e., TCONS_00061773, TCONS_00023843 and TCONS_00048079, harbor complete precursors, for four miRNAs (Ptc-miR1448, PtcmiR482a.2, Ptu-172 and Ptu-37) 25230698 PLNlncRbase