ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL1368 TSIX TGF-β RNA-Protein regulation The upregulation of TSIX seen in SSc fibroblasts may result from activated endogenous TGF-β signalling and may play a role in the constitutive upregulation of collagen in these cells. 26566700
EL1368 TSIX collagen RNA-RNA regulation TSIX is a new regulator of collagen expression which stabilizes the collagen mRNA. 26566700
EL1369 Tsix XIST RNA-DNA regulation Tsix directly regulates its transcription. 16507360 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix 41186 RNA-Protein binding Oct4 directly binds Tsix and Xite, two regulatory noncoding RNA genes of the X-inactivation centre, and also complexes with XCI trans-factors, Ctcf and Yy1. 19536159 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix XIST RNA-RNA regulation For the active X, the antisense Tsix RNA is an established Xist repressor. 21029862 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix XIST RNA-DNA regulation Tsix represses Xist induction by several means, including altering the chromatin state of Xist, deploying Dnmt3a’s DNA methyltransferase activity, recruiting the RNAi machinery, and interfering with the ability of Xist and RepA RNA to engage Polycomb proteins. 21029862 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix XIST RNA-RNA regulation Xist is controlled by two parallel RNA switches – Tsix for Xa and Jpx for Xi. Tsix represses Xist on Xa. 21029862 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix XIST RNA-DNA regulation Epigenetically silences Xist expression by inhibiting RepA recruitment of polycomb complexes to maintain the active X chromosome in females. 21256239 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix RepA RNA-RNA regulation Epigenetically silences Xist expression by inhibiting RepA recruitment of polycomb complexes to maintain the active X chromosome in females. 21256239 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix XIST RNA-DNA regulation Tsix is associated with both enrichment of the H3K4me3 active mark and prevention of the deposition of the repressive mark H3K27me3 within the body of the Xist gene. Tsix, for instance, may be subject to Xist silencing at the onset of XCI. 21329697 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix XIST RNA-RNA regulation The noncoding Tsix RNA is an antisense repressor of Xist and regulates X inactivation in mice. 21852535 LncRNADisease
EL1369 Tsix Xist RNA RNA-RNA regulation Tsix is instead required to silence Xist on the active-X as epiblast cells differentiate in both males and females. 25981039