ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL1399 TUG1 IgG RNA-Protein binding binding with IgG shown by RIP-Chip data. 19571010 LncRNADisease
EL1399 TUG1 PRC2 RNA-Protein binding binding with PRC2 shown by RIP-Chip data. 19571010 LncRNADisease
EL1399 TUG1 p53 DNA-TF regulation TUG1 is induced by p53, binds to PRC2, and has a role in repressing specific genes involved in cell-cycle regulation. 19571010 LncRNADisease
EL1399 TUG1 PRC2 RNA-Protein binding TUG1 is induced by p53, binds to PRC2, and has a role in repressing specific genes involved in cell-cycle regulation. 19571010 LncRNADisease
EL1399 TUG1 PRC2 RNA-Protein binding Required for the proper formation of photoreceptors in the developing retina. Tug1 associates with PRC2 and represses a number of cell cycle genes. 21256239 LncRNADisease
EL1399 TUG1 Pc2 DNA-Protein regulation methylation/demethylation of Polycomb 2 protein (Pc2) controls relocation of growth-control genes between Polycomb bodies (PcGs) and interchromatin granules (ICGs) in response to growth signals. This movement is the consequence of binding of methylated and unmethylated Pc2 to the ncRNAs TUG1 and MALAT1/NEAT2. 22078878 LncRNADisease
EL1399 TUG1 polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) RNA-Protein binding binding to polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2), 25366138
EL1399 TUG1 miR-145 RNA-RNA regulation TUG1 decreased the expression of miR-145 and there was a reciprocal repression between TUG1 and miR-145 in an Argonaute2-dependent manner. 26318860
EL1399 TUG1 PRC2 RNA-Protein binding TUG1 could epigeneticly repress Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) transcription in HCC cells by binding with PRC2 and recruiting it to KLF2 promoter region. 26336870
EL1399 TUG1 Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) RNA-Protein regulation TUG1 could epigeneticly repress Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) transcription in HCC cells by binding with PRC2 and recruiting it to KLF2 promoter region. 26336870
EL1399 TUG1 Bcl-2 RNA-Protein regulation Taurine upregulated gene 1 promoted cell apoptosis of glioma cells by activating caspase-3 and -9-mediated intrinsic pathways and inhibiting Bcl-2-mediated anti-apoptotic pathways, acting as a tumor suppressor in human glioma. 26748401
EL1399 TUG1 caspase-3 and -9 RNA-Protein regulation Taurine upregulated gene 1 promoted cell apoptosis of glioma cells by activating caspase-3 and -9-mediated intrinsic pathways and inhibiting Bcl-2-mediated anti-apoptotic pathways, acting as a tumor suppressor in human glioma. 26748401
EL1399 TUG1 PTEN RNA-DNA regulation The tumour-suppressive function of two lncRNAs (TUG1 and CTB-89H12.4) and their regulation of PTEN expression in prostate cancer. 26975529
EL1400 Tug1 PRC2 RNA-Protein binding Numerous lincRNAs are physically associated with PRC2. 19571010 LncRNADisease