ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL0561 HAR1A RELN DNA-TF regulation The lncRNA HAR1F is transcribed from one of these regions and specifically co-expressed in Cajal-Retzius cells of the human neocortex with the critical neural factor RELN (Pollard et al., 2006), which mediates seminal neural developmental processes and is implicated in the pathophysiology of a broad range of neurological and psychiatric disorders. 20380817 LncRNADisease
EL0561 HAR1A REST DNA-TF regulation RNA in-situ hybridization showed that HAR1F is expressed in developing neurons of the human embryonic neocortex, and its expression was recently shown to be regulated by the master neural transcriptional repressor, REST. 20951849 LncRNADisease