ID lncRNA Name Interaction target Level of interaction Type of interaction Description PMID Source
EL0224 BACE1-AS APP RNA-Protein regulation BACE1-AS is directly implicated in the increased abundance of Aβ 1–42 in Alzheimer’s disease. 18587408 LncRNADisease
EL0224 BACE1-AS BACE1 RNA-RNA regulation The BACE1-antisense transcript (BACE1-AS) regulates BACE1 mRNA and subsequently BACE1 protein expression in vitro and in vivo.expression of BACE1-AS increases BACE1 mRNA stability. 18587408 LncRNADisease
EL0224 BACE1-AS BACE1 RNA-RNA co-expression We report here that BACE1-antisense prevents miRNA-induced repression of BACE1 mRNA by masking the binding site for miR-485-5p. Indeed, miR-485-5p and BACE1-antisense compete for binding within the same region in the open reading frame of the BACE1 mRNA. 20507594 LncRNADisease
EL0224 BACE1-AS miR-485-5p RNA-RNA regulation We report here that BACE1-antisense prevents miRNA-induced repression of BACE1 mRNA by masking the binding site for miR-485-5p. Indeed, miR-485-5p and BACE1-antisense compete for binding within the same region in the open reading frame of the BACE1 mRNA. 20507594 LncRNADisease
EL0224 BACE1-AS miR-485-5p RNA-RNA binding masking the binding site for miR-485-5p 20507594
EL0224 BACE1-AS BACE1 RNA-DNA regulation When expression of lncRNA BACE1-AS was silenced using siRNA, BACE1 expression was downregulated and the antiproliferative and anti-invasive effects of anisomycin were reduced. 26783004