Related LncRNAs
ID lncRNA Name Disease Method Sample Expression pattern Dysfunction type Description PMID Source
EL0556 H19 skin cancer qPCR, lncRNA array analysis cultured mouse keratinocytes after deleting the vitamin D receptor (VDR) (∼90%) vs. control cells up-regulated expression Several well-known oncogenes, including H19, HOTTIP and Nespas, are significantly increased (6.3-1.8-fold), whereas tumor suppressors (Kcnq1ot1, lincRNA-p21) are decreased (up to 50-70%) in VDR deleted keratinocytes. 24342142
EL0583 Hottip skin cancer qPCR, lncRNA array analysis cultured mouse keratinocytes after deleting the vitamin D receptor (VDR) (∼90%) vs. control cells up-regulated expression protect by vitamin D receptor 24342142